
Create teams to fight to be the best (Minecraft Plugin)


Create teams to fight to be the best. This plugin is designed to encourage teamwork and a sense of community within a server. BetterTeams includes features such as: Teaming up with friends Having private chats, unique to each team Protecting members of teams from team-killing. Individual homes for each team

This page includes a breif overview of the plugin, for more information including permisison nodes view the full wiki.

How it works

Each team has several different roles, to ensure the management of each team is as easy as possible. The available roles are as follows:

Set up:

Setting up this plugin is as simple as adding it to your plugins folder (view commands for permissions), and configuring the values in the config.yml file. Maintenance: Once the plugin is configured on your server, no additional maintenance is required.

Found a bug? Make a bug report for it (Use the bug template)

Is there something annoying you about how the plugin works, or something missing? Make suggestions for the future of the plugin (Use the feature template)


View the wiki page for commands

Default commands: These are commands which every user requires to interact with better teams, by default all these commands are accessible to everyone. If you want to take away the permission, the permission node is: betterTeams.standard Commands all users have access to:

Commands that only the owners of teams have access to:

Admin commands can have the prefix [teamadmin] or [teama] both work exactly the same

To change the messages within the plugin (except the message prefix which is in config.yml) use the messages.yml file. Colour codes are accepted.

Plugins that works with Better Teams.

There are many plugin that work with Better Teams, you can find them by clicking here

and please note that, these are plugins that work with BetterTeams, we are not the support for them, if your having any issue with the plugin that work with BetterTeams, kindly ask their support

Feature request:

Feel free to request a feature or Lanuage for this plugin!

Request a Feature

Submit a Language


There is a specific Wiki for permisison, please vist that for more info.

View the wiki page for Permissions

Revoking a permission node with LuckPerms:

As shown in the screenshot below, When giving the group/player the permission node, set the value to false. This will result in the player not having access to that permission.



Create a Issue in Github


If you own a big Network I encourage funding BetterTeams by donating to keep alive the plugin development and help small servers have a free plugin for Teams

Donate us on Paypal